Arts & Crafts


Crafts With Sally are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am. From Ribbon Embroidery to Ribbon Jewelry classes, Sally offers her expertise to help us make beautiful crafts. If you plan to attend, please signup at the main office or using the button below.

Beat to the Music


Led by a volunteer, a one hour exercise class that offers a low paced workout with various types of music. This class offers exercise while keeping the beat to music while sitting. It also involves walking and stretching for upper body flexibility between chair and sitting routines. Chairs will be available for those not wishing to join in on walking. Stretching can be done while sitting.

Music & Motion


WEDNESDAYS @ 9:00 AM | COST: $1.00

Senior participants meet for a gentle exercise program designed to improve flexibility and range of motion. Monday Instructor: Video. Wednesday Instructor: Debra Johnson (DJ).

**Colonial Club Senior Activty Center's exercise classes are designed to permit participants to exercise within their physical limits as determined by their personal physician. Exercise classes are recreation only and not intended to substitute for an exercise program by a licensed professional. Participants should seek advice from their physician before beginning any exercise program.


Fitness For Active Agers

Tuesdays at 1:30 p.m. Jamie Adcock (Running Diva Mom), a local certified personal trainer, for 45 minutes of enjoyable movement, strength training, balance and posture exercises with support of a chair. The next session begins January 7, 2025. The cost is $5/class. Drop-ins welcome.

Qi Gong

Mondays at 1 p.m. Join Jo Chern, level 3 certified Qi Gong instructor and member of the National Qi Gong Association Board of Directors, for a practice of simple, repetitive flowing movements and deep breathing to help promote personal health and mental calm. The next session begins January 6, 2025. Drop in rate is $9/class.

NEW—Fitness For Longevity

Fridays at 10:30 a.m. Join Emily, a certified personal trainer (Orange Shoe Personal Fitness) for this fun 30 minute class. This class is for all fitness levels and will feature the necessary movements to help you be as independent as possible for as long as possible! We will focus on mobility, balance and strength! This class is free but please bring a copy of your supplemental insurance card to your first session! Call 608-837-4611 to sign up.